
A Palestinian official gets away with calling Jews ‘apes and pigs’

Imagine if a U.S. presidential advisor made such comments about black Americans.

Mahmoud Al-Habbash, a senior adviser to Palestinian Authority leader Mahmoud Abbas, said in a Friday sermon in Ramallah that aired on “Palestine TV” that Jerusalem and Palestine have belonged to the Palestinian people since before the Natufians,  Canaanites and Jebusites, , April 15, 2022. Credit: MEMRI.
Mahmoud Al-Habbash, a senior adviser to Palestinian Authority leader Mahmoud Abbas, said in a Friday sermon in Ramallah that aired on “Palestine TV” that Jerusalem and Palestine have belonged to the Palestinian people since before the Natufians, Canaanites and Jebusites, , April 15, 2022. Credit: MEMRI.
Lt. Col. (res.) Maurice Hirsch
Lt. Col. (res.) Maurice Hirsch is the director of the Initiative for Palestinian Authority Accountability and Reform in the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs; a senior legal analyst for Human Rights Voices; and a member of the Israel Defense and Security Forum.

If a U.S. or European presidential advisor stood in front of a crowd and made the profoundly racist assertion that “black people are humanoids, apes and pigs,” the entire civilized world would rightly be up in arms. Unhinged racism of this nature would be duly condemned and the relevant president would be forced to publicly fire his disgraced advisor.

In a similar manner, Palestinian Media Watch is now calling on the entire international community to demand that Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas immediately fire his special advisor and the P.A.’s Supreme Sharia Judge Mahmoud Al-Habbash, who openly refers to Jews as “humanoids … apes and pigs.”

Speaking before a crowd in a mosque in Ramallah, giving a sermon that was broadcast on official P.A. TV, Al-Habbash launched a racist diatribe as he expressed his objection to Jews merely visiting Judaism’s holiest site—the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. After referring to Jews as “grazing herds of humanoids,” Al-Habbash equated the Jews who visit the Temple Mount with “those whom Allah has cursed … and made of them apes and pigs.”

He stated:

The collective [Muslim] duty that is obligated today is the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque [the Temple Mount] … the supreme [duty] is that it be returned, liberated, defended and purified from the defilement of the occupation and the theft. … The minimal duty is at least to visit [the mosque], to awaken to it, so that it will not be abandoned as prey in the hands of the grazing herds of humanoids [i.e., Jews], of people or creatures that Allah created in the form of humans, and He said of them: “Shall I inform you of [what is] worse than that as penalty from Allah? [It is that of] those whom Allah has cursed and with whom He became angry and made of them apes and pigs.” [Quran 5:60] … [We Muslims must take care of the mosque] instead of the Al-Aqsa Mosque continuing to be the prey of humanoids who claim that they have a right to it and that they have sovereignty over it, and that [they] have religious and historical rights to it.

[Official P.A. TV, Sept. 30, 2022]

As PMW has exposed, the P.A.’s references to Jews as “apes and pigs” are not new.

Rejecting the Israeli-Palestinian peace initiative of U.S. President Donald Trump, the General Supervisor of the P.A. Ministry of Religious Affairs in Tubas, Sheikh Muhammad Abd Al-Ilah, charged that Trump’s initiative expressed the “sale of Palestine at no cost to the descendants of the apes and pigs”:

We are here and will remain here behind the wise leadership, which rejects the deal of the century, which is expressed by the sale of Palestine at no cost to the descendants of the apes and pigs. They know, and foremost among them the criminal duo Trump and Netanyahu, that … there is no one in Palestine who will betray the Al-Aqsa Mosque, Jerusalem and the valleys. … We are all potential martyrs rejecting this deal. … Allah willing, the outcome for the great Satan [Trump] will be defeat and humiliation. … You are the great Satan today, Trump, saying, “You have no god but me.”

[Official PA TV Live, Feb. 16, 2021]

PMW has also exposed that Palestinian children had been taught to memorize and recite a poem calling Jews “barbaric monkeys,” “the most evil among creations,” those “who murdered Allah’s pious prophets,” “impure” and “filth.” When a young Palestinian girl recited this on the official P.A. TV children’s program “The Best Home,” the host responded by crying out “bravo!”

The poem reads:

I do not fear the rifle

Because your throngs are in delusion and are ignorant herds

Jerusalem is my land, Jerusalem is my honor

Jerusalem is my days and my wildest dreams

Oh, you who murdered Allah’s pious prophets [Jews in Islamic tradition]‎

Oh, you who were brought up on spilling blood

Oh, sons of Zion; oh, most evil among creations

Oh, barbaric monkeys

Jerusalem opposes your throngs

Jerusalem vomits from within it your impurity ‎

Because Jerusalem, you impure ones, is pious, immaculate

And Jerusalem, you who are filth, is clean and pure

I do not fear barbarity

As long as my heart is my Quran and my city

As long as I have my arm and my stones

As long as I am free and do not barter my cause

I will not fear your throngs, I will not fear the rifle

Host:‎ “Bravo! Jerusalem is the eternal capital of Palestine, we will never forget it.‎”

[Official PA TV, May 29, 2015‎]

Previous incidents of Palestinian children reciting the same poem, documented by PMW, can be seen here and here.

Palestinian society, under the influence of the P.A., holds deep-seated antisemitic views. If the international community truly wishes to combat Jew-hatred, every representative, in every forum, must stand up and condemn the P.A.’s pugnacious racism, recently expressed by a top P.A. official—Abbas’ advisor. Continued financial aid, given in spite of this rampant antisemitism, provides the P.A. with legitimacy for its rabid Jew-hatred.

IDF Lt. Col. (res.) Maurice Hirsch is director of Legal Strategies at Palestinian Media Watch.

This article was originally published by Palestinian Media Watch.

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