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Chattanooga getting its first Jewish food festival

The event will feature “amazing recipes of the area’s home cooks,” Ann Treadwell, of the local Federation, told JNS. “This is the first event of its kind.”

Chattanooga. Credit: noahherrera/Pixabay.
Chattanooga. Credit: noahherrera/Pixabay.

Chattanooga, Tenn., has many Jewish-owned but no kosher restaurants, and the only glatt-kosher kitchen of its kind in the area is at the Jewish Federation of Greater Chattanooga. On Aug. 18, the city will have its first Jewish food festival.

Nosh-A-Nooga will showcase “the amazing recipes of the area’s home cooks,” which “makes what we can provide very different than other cities,” Ann Treadwell, program director of the local Federation, told JNS. “This is the first event of its kind.”

“One of the best ways to learn about a people is through their food and the cultural traditions that go with it,” she added.

Treadwell noted that participating cooks will be on hand to answer questions.

The two-hour festival will feature both Ashkenazi and Sephardi fare. Among the offerings will be brisket sliders, according to Treadwell.

“As a first-time event, we opted for it to be a tasting rather than full meals,” she said.
