
Media hide main cause of antisemitism in favor of a bankrupt ideology 

Major media outlets owe it to the American public to present all the relevant facts, especially when it comes to hate crimes.

“Al Jazeera” newsroom in Doha, Qatar. Credit: Wikimedia Commons.
“Al Jazeera” newsroom in Doha, Qatar. Credit: Wikimedia Commons.
James Sinkinson
James Sinkinson
James Sinkinson is the president of Facts and Logic About the Middle East (FLAME), an organization dedicated to researching Middle East developments and exposing false propaganda that could harm U.S. interests. A passionate advocate for Israel, he frequently provides insightful analysis and works to counter media bias.

Many social commentators have observed a profound “vibe shift” in today’s popular and political culture, underscored, but not reflected solely by voters in recent American elections. Yet some American institutions, mainstream media particularly, are steadfastly resisting today’s societal sea change toward greater truth and transparency.

Legacy media, for example, persist in refusing to connect the dots when it comes to the primary cause of anti-Jewish, anti-Israel aggression. The New York Times, for example, calls Palestinian terrorists a “resistance” movement made up of “militants” as though it’s all about liberation and political disagreement. But that’s like calling the Ku Klux Klan a social-justice movement led by peaceful protesters. Both groups are driven by irrational hate, characterized by violence against “the other,” whether they be Jews or black Americans.

New research shows that people in the overwhelmingly Muslim MENA region—Middle East and North Africa—are more antisemitic than any other people on Earth. Other recent studies show that American Muslims, especially college students, also harbor extraordinarily rabid anti-Jewish sentiments.

While the media and “progressive” leftists hold it politically incorrect to state actual facts about Muslim racism, this is just one more example of bending (or hiding) the truth to support woke ideology. While the media are entitled to their opinions, they owe it to the American public to present all the relevant facts—especially when it comes to the causes of hate crimes.

Media hide the ethnicity of domestic criminals in the news. For instance, in their coverage of the truck-ramming terrorist attack in New Orleans on New Year’s, in which 15 people were murdered, legacy media buried the attacker’s Muslim identity and his support for ISIS with headlines like PBS’s “FBI says driver responsible for deadly New Orleans rampage acted alone in act of ‘terrorism,’” and The Washington Post’s “New Orleans attacker acted alone, FBI says.” The media wants us to believe that this attack was simply the work of an angry individual rather than a blatant act of terrorism perpetrated by a radical Muslim.

Similarly, mainstream media outlets did not mention in their headlines the background of the Muslim man who, in October, shot a Jewish man on his way to synagogue in Chicago. In fact, both NBC and CNN took it upon themselves to equate hate crimes against Jews with those suffered by Muslims—an outrageous comparison given the fact that hate crimes against Muslims pale in comparison to those against Jews. Indeed, Jews are the victims of two-thirds of all religion-based hate crimes, according to the FBI, and many are perpetrated by Muslims.

Media hide the religion or radical affiliations of war criminals. Last May, for instance, NPR published an article about the International Criminal Court seeking arrest warrants for Hamas leaders. The article failed to note Hamas’s Islamist agenda, and instead cited the terrorist group’s argument that they “were operating under a right afforded occupied peoples by international treaties to resist occupation in all forms, ‘including armed resistance.’” NPR also neglected to mention that Gaza hasn’t been occupied by Israel or anyone except Palestinians in the past 20 years. In other words, it considers Hamas simply a liberation movement fighting for self-determination—not a genocidal Islamist militia determined to exterminate the Jews, destroy Israel and create an Islamic caliphate, as the Hamas Charter clearly states.

ADL research reveals Muslim MENA region is the most antisemitic part of the world. The Anti-Defamation League’s Global 100 Index, which surveyed 58,000 people in 100-plus countries, revealed that the mostly Muslim MENA region is the most antisemitic in the world with its population most likely to subscribe to stereotypes. About three-quarters of its population hold “deeply entrenched antisemitic attitudes.” Surprise: The most anti-Jewish people in MENA and the entire world are Palestinians in Judea, Samaria and the Gaza Strip, as 97% of them believe in classic antisemitic tropes.

Brandeis Center data show Muslim college students are far more antisemitic than non-Muslim colleagues. No wonder that Muslim students are instrumental in attacks on Jewish students, in addition to anti-Israel destruction and violence. The recent Brandeis study on campus antisemitism, which surveyed undergraduates in 60 schools with large Jewish student bodies, found that Muslim students are far more likely to harbor anti-Jewish and/or anti-Israel sentiments. Muslim students are also more hostile to Jews than other ethnicities. Whereas 66% of non-Jewish students said that they were not hostile to Jews or Israel, only 29% of Muslim students said the same. An equal number of Muslims said they were hostile to Israel, and 36% said they were hostile to Jews. In comparison, only 16% of all non-Jewish students expressed hostility toward Jews and 15% toward Israel.

Media, as well as politicians and anti-Israel activists, cover up Muslim antisemitism. This is why nearly all major mainstream media outlets, including The New York Times, The Washington Post and NPR, did not report on the ADL’s findings. No major outlet covered the Brandeis study. The incontrovertible fact of Muslim antisemitism creates cognitive dissonance for the media—and the left generally—which holds world history to be a struggle between white colonizers and victimized people of color. Unfortunately, the hard facts of history betray this analysis. First, Arabs, who comprise one of the world’s largest groups of “people of color,” have also been some of the world’s most prolific colonizers and slave traders. Now, however, data reveals they are also one of the world’s most racist.

As commercial enterprises in a free society, media outlets have the right to express any opinions the media marketplace will bear. However, to base news coverage on hidden political bias or by disregarding or burying information relevant to journalists’ analysis is outright lying and deception. Even where free speech is permitted, such dishonesty and journalistic malpractice are bound to fail, as the sinking commercial fortunes of leading media prove.

Originally published by Facts and Logic About the Middle East (FLAME).

The opinions and facts presented in this article are those of the author, and neither JNS nor its partners assume any responsibility for them.