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Contract for film ‘Duck Soup,’ signed by Marx Brothers, up for auction

The 1933 film was the last the comedy team made for Paramount Studios before signing with MGM.

The cover page of the contract for the film “Duck Soup,” signed by all four Marx brothers. Credit: Courtesy.
The cover page of the contract for the film “Duck Soup,” signed by all four Marx brothers. Credit: Courtesy.

A contract signed by all four Marx Brothers for the 1933 comedy film “Duck Soup” is set to be auctioned off on Aug. 29 by Nate D. Sanders Auctions in Los Angeles.

The notarized agreement between the Marx Brothers and Paramount Pictures, dated March 12, 1940, represents the “Settlement Agreement Re: ‘Duck Soup’, ” some six-and-a-half years after the film premiered.

The contract is signed on the last page in fountain pen by “Leo Marx,” “Herbert Marx,” “Julius H. Marx” and “Arthur Marx,” who played Chico, Zeppo, Groucho and Harpo, respectively. It is also countersigned by Paramount Pictures.

The relationship between the Marx Brothers and Paramount was notoriously difficult, with “Duck Soup” being the last film of their partnership.

The agreement pays the brothers $3,500 as a final settlement on the film, with no additional monies to be paid to the Marx comedy quartet for the movie that would ultimately achieve iconic status in the comedy genre.

The contract spans four pages on four sheets. A notarized fifth page—dated March 26, 1940—is also present, confirming the authenticity of all four Marx Brothers’ signatures.

Marx Brothers Signatures, “Duck Soup” Contract
The contract for the film “Duck Soup,” signed by all four Marx brothers. Credit: Courtesy.