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Israel first country to approve medical-cannabis vaporizers

The Israeli Ministry of Health has granted initial approval to VapePod, developed by Kanabo Research.

A demonstration during CannaTech, Israel’s annual medical cannabis innovation conference in Tel Aviv, March 20, 2017. Credit: Miriam Alster/Flash90.
A demonstration during CannaTech, Israel’s annual medical cannabis innovation conference in Tel Aviv, March 20, 2017. Credit: Miriam Alster/Flash90.

Israel has become the world’s first country to approve cannabis vaporizers for medical use.

The Israeli Ministry of Health has granted initial approval to the VapePod vaporizer developed by Kanabo Research, a Tel-Aviv-based medical-cannabis research and development company, according to a report by Israel21c.

Most medical marijuana patients receive the benefits of cannabis from smoking. The approved vaporizer will free users from the detriments of smoking and deliver consistent, accurate dosing in a more effective manner.

“We expect that due to the transition of most of the cannabis consumers to the use of vaporizers, our company is projected to reach $10 million in sales within three years in the Israeli market, while the Israeli cannabis market is expected to reach $100 million in sales within three years,” said Avihu Tamir, co-founder and CEO of Kanabo Research. “The Israeli market is a platform to deliver our technology to global markets in North America and Europe.”

The organization is currently performing pre-clinical trials to treat sleep disorders with VapePod.
