A Jewish teacher fights back against CAIR’s persecution An Olympic fencer, antisemitic parents and an unscrupulous organization are trying to turn an innocent encounter into a hate crime. Steven Emerson April 17, 2023
Governments and the media are complicit in Palestinian terrorism Refusing to hold the Palestinians to any standard only leads to more violence. Steven Emerson March 22, 2023
Another gaping hole in the Islamist antisemitism con This is an organization with a decades-long record of antisemitism, including its executive director insinuating that Jews are pushing to advance policies “at the expense of American interests.” Steven Emerson March 9, 2023
CAIR’s shoot first, ask questions never defamation defense The organization admits its attacks on a Jewish teacher were “rhetorical hyperbole.” Steven Emerson Feb. 23, 2023
Indiana University apologizes for hosting antisemitic terror-supporter Dean admits university “failed in our due diligence” when it invited Palestinian Islamic Jihad board member Sami Al-Arian. Steven Emerson Dec. 28, 2022
Palestinian Islamic Jihad ‘master manipulator’ among Indiana University’s ‘distinguished’ panelists Sami Al-Arian has lied his way into the hearts of academics and Islamists. Steven Emerson Dec. 21, 2022
Islamist group’s antisemitic report blames election losses on the Jews Americans for Justice in Palestine Action declares “millions of dollars from right-wing Zionist organizations” defeated anti-Israel candidates. Steven Emerson Nov. 28, 2022
Kanye West becomes part of CAIR’s anti-Semitism con CAIR manages to tolerate it when the anti-Semitism involves Israel and Jews who support it. Steven Emerson Oct. 28, 2022
Will Rashida Tlaib get away with her anti-Semitic comments? Tlaib’s “progressive” blast shouldn’t be seen in a vacuum. She has advocated a “one-state solution" to the Israel-Palestinian conflict, which would eliminate Israel as a Jewish homeland. Her problem is not with Israeli policy, but with Israel’s continued existence. Steven Emerson Sept. 23, 2022