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IDF arrests terror suspects in Judea, finds submachine gun in Barbie backpack

Israeli security forces arrested 19 terror suspects and rock-throwers in raids across Judea and Samaria overnight on Sunday, confiscating multiple illegal guns in Hebron and confiscating thousands of shekels marked to fund terror acts.

Carlo-style submachine gun discovered in a Barbie backpack ditched by a Palestinian fleeing capture by the Israeli Border Police. Source: Israel Police.
Carlo-style submachine gun discovered in a Barbie backpack ditched by a Palestinian fleeing capture by the Israeli Border Police. Source: Israel Police.

Israeli security forces arrested 19 terror suspects and rock-throwers in raids across Judea and Samaria overnight on Sunday, confiscating multiple illegal guns in Hebron and confiscating thousands of shekels marked to fund terror acts.

Riots broke out as IDF troops arrested terror suspects in eastern Jerusalem and just outside the city in Kafr Bidu, with Arab residents throwing objects and rocks at soldiers, who responded with riot dispersal equipment.

No injuries were reported on either side.

During raids in Hebron, the IDF confiscated an M-4 assault rifle, an air pistol, ammunition, magazines and gun parts, according to officials.

Border Police arrested one man who was part of a group attempting to cross the security fence from Samaria into Israel by climbing over it with a ladder. Forces chased them on foot, but some of the men managed to enter Israel, whereas others turn back and fled towards Samaria.

During the chase, one of the men threw away a pink backpack featuring a picture of Barbie, which was found to contain a Carlo-style, locally made submachine gun, a cellphone and a bolt-cutter for cutting through metal fencing.
