30 years ago, blacks and Jews united to free African slaves A campaign to liberate slaves would be a natural extension of the previous decade’s anti-apartheid movement, when major human-rights organizations and black leaders passionately took on the issue of racial discrimination. Charles Jacobs and Ben Poser Jan. 31, 2025
A Jimmy Carter surprise: He hated Jews, not just Israel In sermons recorded between 1998 and 2003, he attacked Israel with antisemitic tropes dating back to the patristic writings of the early church. Charles Jacobs and Ben Poser Jan. 3, 2025
Millions of Christians are under Islamist assault, so Pope Francis targets the Jews Perhaps he believes that pointing a finger at the Jews will divert Muslim rage from the Vatican. Charles Jacobs and Uzay Bulut Dec. 23, 2024
America is silent about Christian girls kidnapped by Islamists The life and suffering of the Coptic minority in Egypt is a due to the Islamic invasion, dominance and ongoing persecution that occurs under Islamic rule. Charles Jacobs and Uzay Bulut Dec. 8, 2024
How to take down black antisemites like Ta-Nehisi Coates A self-proclaimed advocate for blacks everywhere, the writer ignores the ongoing brutal Islamic “holy war” in at least nine African countries. Charles Jacobs and Ben Poser Dec. 4, 2024
Jihad ravages Chad in Central Africa Although a secular republic, Islam is the majority religion and pervades the whole of society. This causes some Chadians to show hostility and intolerance towards Christians, whom they regard as “infidels.” Charles Jacobs and Uzay Bulut Nov. 5, 2024
Eastern Congo: Islamists massacre, abduct and rape Christians Alongside other rebel militias, jihadist terrorists are devastating the country. Charles Jacobs and Uzay Bulut Oct. 21, 2024
On Yom Kippur, the Jewish establishment should come clean Jewish activists told them, warned them and begged them to defend the community from media bias and anti-Israel educators. Charles Jacobs Oct. 10, 2024
Jihadists in Mali give Christians an ultimatum: ‘Support us, convert to Islam or leave’ Since their insurgency began, they have killed civilians as well as soldiers, government officials and U.N. peacekeeping forces. Charles Jacobs and Uzay Bulut Sept. 24, 2024