‘Revitalized’ PA includes brazen terror supporters By including open supporters of terrorism in its new government, the Palestinian Authority is making a mockery of the U.S. demand for “revitalization.” Itamar Marcus April 2, 2024
The Oslo deception: New evidence New testimony by a Palestinian Authority MP once again proves that to Yasser Arafat, the “two-state solution" was merely the first stage in a plan to eliminate Israel. Itamar Marcus Sept. 13, 2023
What the PA is hiding Anti-American and anti-British hate speech was omitted from the translation of Mahmoud Abbas's Cairo speech. Itamar Marcus Aug. 6, 2023
Teaching Terror to Tots Fatah’s children’s magazine lays bare its true goal: the destruction of the Jewish state. Itamar Marcus Dec. 12, 2022
Fatah boasts that Yasser Arafat deliberately started the second intifada The years-long terror campaign would not have been possible without the Oslo Accords. Itamar Marcus Sept. 13, 2022
Biden must condemn recruitment of Palestinian children to terror The Palestinian Authority Security Forces is running military-style training camps where 7-year-olds are exhorted to fight Israeli “sons of dogs.” Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques Zilberdik July 12, 2022
Video evidence proves Israel was not at fault for violence at Shireen Abu Akleh’s funeral It was a Palestinian mob that tried to hijack the funeral so it would not be “as if a Christian died.” Itamar Marcus May 31, 2022
PA called for religious war against Jerusalem Day Flag March Palestinian media repeats the lie that Jerusalem was never the capital of a Jewish state Itamar Marcus May 30, 2022
Mahmoud Abbas’ Fatah party continues to praise terrorism A Fatah spokesman said last week’s murder of three Israelis in Elad was a “heroic action” Itamar Marcus May 9, 2022