update desk

‘Israel Hayom’ leads in Israeli weekday readership

“Israel Hayom” had an average readership exposure of 29 percent, compared to 25.7 percent for “Yediot Achronot” • It remains Israel’s most widely read paper, though print readership is declining, dropping from 57.7 percent of the population in 2016 to 41.6 percent in 2018.

Cover of Israel Hayom.
Cover of Israel Hayom.

Israel Hayom is keeping its readership edge over Yediot Achronot for both weekday and weekend editions, a survey published Thursday by TGI reveals.

The survey, which measures the exposure of all media outlets in Israel, found that in 2018 Israel Hayom was the most widely read newspaper in the country, with a readership of 29 percent, compared to 25.7 percent for Yediot.

From July-December 2018, Israel Hayom had an average exposure of 28.2 percent for its daily edition, compared to 24.1 percent exposure for the Yediot daily. Haaretz and the financial daily Globes both had exposure of 4 percent.

The Israel Hayom weekend edition enjoyed an average readership exposure of 30.2 percent, compared to 29.6 percent for the Yediot weekend paper.

While Israel Hayom continues to lead in readership, consumption of printed newspapers continues to drop. The TGI survey indicates that in the period of January-July 2016, some 57.7 percent of the population read a daily newspaper, compared to the second half (July-December) 2018, when that number dropped to 41.6 percent.

Weekend newspaper readership as a whole dropped from 58.9 percent in the first half of 2016 to 46.4 percent in the second half of 2018.
