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Orthodox Union youth Mishnah program has quadrupled in recent years

“Students feel great about their accomplishments and many have been inspired to learn other Mishnayot on their own,” said Rabbi Matthew Faigen, of Fuchs Mizrachi School in the Cleveland area.

The students Ava Bienenfeld and Abby Adler of Katz Hillel Day School in Boca Raton, Fla., hold their All Mishnah Jr. Mishnayot and slap bracelets. Credit: Orthodox Union.
The students Ava Bienenfeld and Abby Adler of Katz Hillel Day School in Boca Raton, Fla., hold their All Mishnah Jr. Mishnayot and slap bracelets. Credit: Orthodox Union.

All Mishnah Jr., part of the Orthodox Union, had a record number of middle school participants register for its current cycle, drawing some 2,100.

“All Mishnah Jr. reflects the OU’s commitment to making Torah learning accessible, engaging and meaningful for all ages,” stated Rabbi Moshe Hauer, the OU’s executive vice president.

The OU’s main All Mishnah program is a seven-year, daily cycle of study of the rabbinic text—similar to Daf Yomi, a program of daily Talmudic study. The youth version, All Mishnah Jr., runs five days a week between the four months between Sukkot and Pesach, over a three year cycle.

It aims to cultivate “a love and excitement for Torah learning among young students,” which is “the foundation for a lifelong and consistent commitment to Torah,” Hauer stated.

Launched in 2021, the program has quadrupled in size, from just eight Jewish day schools participating to 32 in 12 states. Students study two passages during their free time and are encouraged to document it for chances to win prizes, such as gift cards, Airpods and drones.

“Students feel great about their accomplishments and many have been inspired to learn other Mishnayot on their own,” stated Rabbi Matthew Faigen, the junior high dean of students at Fuchs Mizrachi School in Beachwood, Ohio, in the Cleveland area where some 60 out of about 100 students signed up for the program.

Jewish Educational Center
Jewish Educational Center students Elan Rosen and Aaron Ascher participate in the Orthodox Union’s All Mishnah Jr. program at their school in Elizabeth, N.J. Credit: Orthodox Union.