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ZOA pushes professor’s firing from CNN, Temple University, for promoting Farrakhan

The Zionist Organization of America has called for Marc Lamont Hill to be fired from Temple University in Philadelphia, where he teaches, and CNN, where he is a contributor, for his support of Louis Farrakhan.

Marc Lamont Hill in 2008. Credit: Wayne Riley via Wikimedia Commons.
Marc Lamont Hill in 2008. Credit: Wayne Riley via Wikimedia Commons.

The Zionist Organization of America has called for academic and activist Marc Lamont Hill to be fired from Temple University in Philadelphia, where he teaches, and CNN, where he is a contributor, for his support of Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan.

“It’s time for CNN and Temple University to fire Marc Lamont Hill, where Hill is a contributor and professor respectively,” said ZOA national president Mort Klein. “Hill has continued to promote Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan even after Farrakhan equated Jews to ‘termites’ on Facebook last week, and despite Farrakhan’s unrepentant, lengthy, continuing history of making virulent anti-Semitic speeches, sermons and statements.”

Klein cited that Hill posted the following on Instagram in 2016: “Been blessed to spend the last day with Minister Louis Farrakhan. An amazing time of learning, listening, laughing, and even head nodding to music. God is Great.”

“Can you imagine the reaction if someone insisted on “amazing” “learning, listening and laughing” etc. with [Ku Klux Klan activist, and white supremacist and nationalist] David Duke? Such an individual would immediately be fired from every respectable media station and university in the country,” said Klein. “Shouldn’t someone who praises and insists upon learning from, listening to and laughing together with hate-mongering Louis Farrakhan be treated similarly?”

Hill, 39, posted on Twitter last week, “My disagreement with Minister @louisFarrakhan on LGBT/Jewish issues is principled and sincere. We see the world differently on those issues, as well as specific comments that the Minister has made recently.”

Additionally, the ZOA leader blasted Hill for subsequently tweeting, “Although I disagree with the Minister on those [LGBT/Jewish] important issues, I will not allow that to be an excuse for allowing dishonest media or poorly intentioned observers to create unnecessary division. I will not be told who to speak to, sit with, or engage.”

Hill has an extensive history of anti-Semitic and anti-Israel activism. For example, on Monday he retweeted an event sponsored by Students for Justice in Palestine at Temple, scheduled for Nov. 6.

Neither CNN nor Temple University responded to requests for comment.
