There is a famous Yiddish saying, der dreydl dreyt zikh, which literally translates to “the dreidel turns.” It is an age-old and apt adage, especially now, for the alternating rise and fall of people’s fortunes.
There can be no better illustration of this than President-elect Donald Trump’s triumph over his political nemeses in Washington, D.C., the media, big corporations, universities and pretty much everywhere else. The victory of common sense in the 2024 presidential elections ushered in a new guard to fill positions on local, state and national levels.
Perhaps one of the most consequential new nominations is that of former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee as the newly appointed U.S. ambassador to Israel. As a longtime vocal supporter of Israel, he is an obvious pick for Trump. He is a fierce advocate for Israel’s sovereignty and security, championing the historic right of Jerusalem as its capital and the right of Jews to live in all parts of their ancestral homeland.
Huckabee is a frequent visitor to the Jewish state, having traveled there nearly 100 times, starting as a teenager in 1973. He has led dozens of delegations to Israel and has participated in many missions to Israel with organizations, notably the Israel Heritage Foundation.
IHF hosted a dinner in Huckabee’s honor the other night in recognition of the governor’s support for the Jewish state and in anticipation of future backing in his role of ambassador. Held at the U.N. Plaza Grill, more than 80 participants came to congratulate Huckabee, including Danny Danon, Israeli Ambassador to the United Nations, and Bruce Blackman, executive of Nassau County, N.Y.
IHF executive director Rabbi David Katz lauded Huckabee’s “passion and love for Israel,” and related that on his last trip there, the two new chief rabbis of Israel and members of Knesset expressed their wish to meet with the new ambassador.
Katz underscored the importance of Huckabee’s efforts at achieving peace in the region. “If there is peace in Israel, then there is peace in the world.”
Dr. Joseph Frager, IHF executive vice president, echoed Katz’s sentiments and added the need for Israel to defeat its enemies. “We have to totally defeat Hamas and Iran,” Frager said. “That is essential for our existence.”
Other speakers, including IHF honorary chairman Jonathan Burkan and IHF executive president Dr. Stephen Soloway, praised Trump for picking Huckabee. There were also calls for regime change in Iran by author Kenneth Abramowitz and Harley Lippman, CEO of Genesis10. Before introducing Huckabee, Lippman stressed that the need to “cut off the head of the snake [Iran]” is in America’s interest since Iran “wants to destroy America.”
Lippman also relayed the story of how Huckabee landed in Israel in June 2014, right after the three Israeli teen boys were kidnapped. Huckabee went straight from the airport to visit their parents. “This tells you what kind of mensch this person is,” Lippman said.
Huckabee’s own words at the dinner were his biggest endorsement. He called his nomination as ambassador to Israel, “The greatest thrill and joy and culmination of an entire lifetime of having a love for the land of Israel and for the Jewish people.” He said that when he and his wife, Janet, relocate to Israel, it will be “not for a tour but for a task.”
Huckabee spoke of the transformation of the “sleepy, dusty, barren desert” of Israel in 1973 to “a land where the desert bloomed.”
“Many Americans are unaware of the gifts Israel gives to us in terms of technology, medical advancement, and agricultural capacity, things that we take for granted and probably arrogantly we think we created,” he said. “The truth is we took them from our ally, Israel. And our lives are better because Israel’s life is better.”
He also pointed to how people do not credit Israel for “protecting the rights of all faiths to go to holy sites in Israel. … Many people in the world have never been told that the Israeli government protects Muslim holy sites as vigorously as they protect the sites that Jewish and Christian people embrace.”
As to regime change in Iran, Huckabee is firmly convinced of its necessity, “whether it comes at the hands of the Iranian people or from forces perhaps that are gathered from all throughout the Middle East.” He believes it will lead to the recognition that “Israel is no threat to Saudia Arabia or the UAE or any Middle Eastern country. It simply wants to be able to live with peace, security for its families and its future, and to be left alone.”
A man of faith, Huckabee points out that over the years and battles, Israel “didn’t win them because they had superior military, artillery capacity or air power,” he said. “They won them because they fought as if they knew that if they lost, they didn’t lose some real estate, they lost their lives, their families, their culture, their country and the land that God had given them 3,500 years ago. Because they did, I am convinced that God, Himself, intervened on behalf of His people in His land.”
His views on the “irrational, insane antisemitism” are also shaped by his religious outlook. He advised Jews to “take it as a badge of honor” because it reflects a hate that people have for God who established “a law … establishing clear standards of what’s right, what’s wrong, what’s moral, what’s immoral.” Consequently, he said, these same people “hate those who follow that code.”
Huckabee shared his simple conviction with those at the IHF dinner, saying: “The God you love and serve intimidates, frightens, and, frankly, completely challenges those who are their own god. We believe that we put our knee to God. We didn’t create Him; He created us. And we are obligated to follow His law rather than to invite Him to follow some law that we have foolishly created for ourselves.”