Can contemporary international law cope with today’s terror? There is a need to adapt the rules to the conflict scenarios of today’s world. Alan Baker June 28, 2024
Israel under fire: Can international law cope with terror? It is high time that responsible states come to terms with the fact that modern-day terror undermines and abuses accepted humanitarian norms and standards. Alan Baker June 4, 2024
The UN’s world of the absurd Only in such a world can the majority of the international community deliberately ignore the openly declared genocidal intentions of Iran, Hamas and the PLO in their efforts to eliminate the Jewish state and kill all Jews. Alan Baker May 16, 2024
Hamas and Islamic Jihad are criminally liable for war crimes Hamas is considered by all accepted criteria to be fully accountable under international humanitarian law for its actions in terror attacks against Israeli civilians and using its own civilians as human shields. Alan Baker Oct. 10, 2023
A legal overview of the Palestinians’ Oslo compliance The international community must demand Palestinian accountability and call on the Palestinian leadership to abide by its commitments. Alan Baker Sept. 5, 2023
Does the Jordanian smuggling incident reflect a dangerous development with Amman? The kingdom's officials have joined in the incitement, including broadcasting the lie that Israel seeks to destroy the Al-Aqsa mosque. Alan Baker and Lenny Ben-David April 27, 2023
Israel’s legal rights to rescind articles of its 2005 disengagement law The concern and exasperation voiced by U.S. administration spokespersons would appear to be misplaced. Alan Baker March 23, 2023
The annual UNGA resolution on Israeli nuclear weapons – much ado about nothing. Despite attempts by Israeli and some Arab and Iranian media outlets to dramatize it, the resolution merely copies the eight previous identical resolutions that have been adopted since 2015. Alan Baker Dec. 13, 2022
Amnesty International’s hypocrisy and double standards The NGO claims to be impartial, yet it condemns Ukraine while ignoring abuses committed by Palestinian terror groups. Alan Baker Sept. 1, 2022