Following a series of low-magnitude earthquakes felt in Israel and neighboring countries in early July, Kamal Zakarneh, a columnist for the Jordanian daily Al-Dustour, wrote that the quakes may have been caused by the underground testing of nuclear or other weapons that Israel is developing. The weapons, he speculated further, may be intended to cause an artificial earthquake to topple the Al-Aqsa mosque, the Dome of the Rock and the Church of the Holy Sepulcher.
The following are excerpts from his column:

“Suddenly and quietly, the earthquakes in the northern part of the [Jordanian] kingdom stopped, and tremors are no longer emanating from the belly of the earth to rattle everything upon it. It’s as if whatever was causing these tremors has moved to some other site, and is waiting for a different mission. The quakes, which were centered around the Sea of Galilee and its region and whose magnitude was around four on the Richter scale, raise many questions as to their cause, location and timing.
“They may have been caused by detonations carried out by the occupation army deep underground, beneath the Sea of Galilee, to test new weapons, such as small nuclear bombs with limited range, or else conventional weapons for use against the armies in the region, which the occupation state regards … as a threat, to some extent. Perhaps these [tests] are in preparation for carrying out an enormous crime against the Muslim and Christian holy sites in occupied Jerusalem, especially against the Al-Aqsa mosque, the Dome of the Rock and the Church of the Sepulcher, by causing an artificial earthquake beneath them to destroy them, in preparation for building the fake [Jewish] temple as part of the plan to Judaize Jerusalem.
“The occupation [state] cannot be trusted, for it plans, plots and eventually also destroys [its targets] in order to achieve political, geographical and Biblical aims. It does not hesitate to use all the entire arsenal of technology, knowledge and scientific [expertise] at its disposal in order to complete its expansionist plan while blaming nature [for the devastation it causes]. Nor will it be ashamed to ask for assistance from the countries of the region and the world in order to cover up its crimes and carry out its Judaization plan at their expense … ”
Full report at MEMRI here.