
Orthodox Union’s NCSY Aspire: Yarchei Kallah draws record attendance at week-long event

Hundreds of Jewish teens spent winter break strengthening their commitment to Torah and Judaism.

OU Executive Vice President Rabbi Moshe Hauer speaks with teen leaders at NCSY’s week-long learning experience, Yarchei Kallah
OU Executive Vice President Rabbi Moshe Hauer speaks with teen leaders at NCSY’s week-long learning experience, Yarchei Kallah

Almost 400 Jewish teens from the United States, Canada, Chile and Mexico ushered in the New Year at a retreat in Connecticut devoted to Torah study and religious growth as part of Aspire: Yarchei Kallah, a learning experience for public high school students organized by NCSY, part of the Orthodox Union (OU).

Billed as a Shabbaton on steroids, Yarchei Kallah included singing, dancing, Shabbat onegs, lectures, learning sessions and opportunities for teens to cultivate relationships with peers, advisors and educators.

NCSY, an international youth movement, offers a range of innovative, informal Jewish education programs and retreats that foster positive Jewish identity and connection to Israel.

“Yarchei Kallah is a high for participants that cements in many cases their relationship with Judaism, with Torah-learning and with NCSY,” said Rabbi Aryeh Wielgus, regional director of New Jersey NCSY and this year’s Yarchei Kallah director. “It really propels them to the next step [in their commitment].”

The event took place Dec. 28-Jan. 2 at the Stamford Hilton. Workshops were devoted to topics such as The Song of Prayer, an exploration of the Book of Psalms and The Song of Hate, a powerful probe of antisemitism and the tools to respond to it. Educators from Yeshiva University, Touro University and Israeli institutions of higher learning led a number of sessions.

Teens at Yarchei Kallah said they learned of the event through their Jewish Student Union (JSU), NCSY’s network of public high school Jewish clubs. About 40 yeshiva students who hold regional and national NCSY leadership posts also took part in the retreat.

Highlights also included a keynote address by American-Israeli Ultra-Orthodox marathon champion Beatie Deutsch; musical performances by American Belz Hasidic vocalist Shulem Lemmer and TikTok’s hottest Jewish boy band, Miami Boys Choir; and a New Year’s Eve party set in a space emulating New York’s Times Square.

Rachel Camhi, 18, came from Chile. She said she left the retreat with many new friends and a deeper appreciation for her Jewish heritage.

“Yarchei Kallah is an amazing, unique opportunity that you won’t find anywhere else,” Camhi said. “I met awesome people from around the world and learned a lot — everyone learned from one another. I saw other people connecting with themselves and it showed me that I can connect, too. We are all Jewish, that’s what makes us a family.”

About & contact The Publishers
Founded in 1898, the Orthodox Union (OU), or Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations of America, serves as the voice of American Orthodox Jewry, with over 400 congregations in its synagogue network. As the umbrella organization for American Orthodox Jewry, the OU is at the forefront of advocacy work on both state and federal levels, outreach to Jewish teens and young professionals through NCSY, Israel Free Spirit Birthright, Yachad and OU Press, among many other divisions and programs.
NCSY connects with Jewish teens through innovative, cutting-edge social and recreational programs to develop a positive Jewish identity. NCSY inspires Jewish teens and their connection to Israel through informal Jewish education, retreats and summer programs. NCSY empowers teens through leadership development and guidance to become passionately committed leaders of the Jewish community and instruments for positive change and renewal.
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