Momentum mothers march in Israel in solidarity with hostages’ families The 80 mothers were part of Momentum's Unity Trip to show support for the country. Noa Amouyal Nov. 27, 2023
Overcoming the pandemic and adapting to a new home, Israeli women find professional success In honor of International Women’s Day on March 8, the following are stories of women immigrants who managed to overcome some of the socio-economic odds stacked against them. Noa Amouyal March 7, 2022
Two of the 14,325 stories behind ‘Operation Solomon’ Avi Mizrachi and Racheli Tadesa Malkai recall a turbulent, yet inspiring time. Noa Amouyal May 24, 2021
Two steps forward: Women talk of an age of opportunity Three Anglo immigrants to Israel share their perspectives on working in medicine, social services and sports—and how all that is changing two decades into the 21st century. Noa Amouyal March 8, 2021
As winter approaches, Israeli nurses hunker down as they continue to tackle COVID-19 While the general public is worn out by the constant flux of coronavirus regulations, health-care workers are feeling the brunt of the public consequences of violating increasingly strict rules. Noa Amouyal Dec. 4, 2020
Despite coronavirus, no wedding-bell blues for these Anglos Like many others whose plans were unexpectedly put on hold due to the spread of COVID-19, these brides and grooms are suddenly forced to reimagine what their big day will look like. Noa Amouyal June 17, 2020
Bruised, but not broken, Israeli kids near the Gaza border make the most of summer Unlike school, which has a regimented schedule, life at camp is much more lax—something these children need. Noa Amouyal Aug. 13, 2019
Where some see unsettling challenges, Amira Aharonovich sees opportunity Meet the newly minted CEO of the Jewish Agency and hear how she embraces the Diaspora, the younger generation and change itself. Noa Amouyal June 11, 2019
Anti-Semitism on minds at ‘aliyah’ fair as North Americans prepare for move “The upward spike in anti-Semitism across the world and the United States is concerning and distressing,” said William Daroff, senior vice president for Public Policy and director of the Washington office of the Jewish Federations of North America. Noa Amouyal March 15, 2019