
The fight for Israel is a fight for American values

We are losing America to radicals who hate the West and everything we stand for.

Protesters hold anti-Israel, anti-Jewish banners outside of Columbia University's campus after the academic institution suspended its Students for Justice in Palestine chapter, Nov. 15, 2023. Credit: Here Now/Shutterstock.
Protesters hold anti-Israel, anti-Jewish banners outside of Columbia University's campus after the academic institution suspended its Students for Justice in Palestine chapter, Nov. 15, 2023. Credit: Here Now/Shutterstock.
Marissa Streit. Credit: Courtesy.
Marissa Streit
Marissa Streit is CEO of PragerU.

If you are shocked by the recent rise in antisemitism and anti-Israel activity in America, I invite you to look at the big picture. How did we get here? You are probably asking, “Why are the media, celebrities, members of Congress and universities supporting Hamas terrorists while ignoring violent attacks against Jews across America?”

To understand it, you need to understand a cold, hard truth: We are losing America to radicals who hate the West and everything we stand for.

The fight for America and Israel is the same fight and if we do not stand for American values, we will lose everything—including support for the Jewish State of Israel.

It’s no surprise that Iran calls America the “Big Satan” and Israel the “Little Satan.” Those on the streets and campuses cheering for Hamas agree. That’s why they’re burning American flags. America’s enemies also hate Israel and for the same reasons. America and Israel have a shared Judeo-Christian heritage, common values and interests, and are both decent countries that fight evil in the world. This is the foundation of America and Israel’s special relationship.

Therefore, as America radically changes, support for Israel is at stake.

The pro-Israel community’s big mistake is that it stands idly by as moral rot takes hold in the American educational system and culture, and then wonders why so many young people hate Israel. It’s all connected.

From social media to education, young Americans are drenched in self-hatred and destructive values. In college, if you believe in God, American exceptionalism or even capitalism, you are mocked. Students are taught that America is a greedy, colonialist, systemically racist and misogynist country. They are told that America—the most decent country in the history of the world—is homophobic, xenophobic, Islamophobic and bigoted. If this doesn’t bother you, maybe this will: The individuals who buy into this nonsense also loathe Israel.

If you think you’re going to raise a child who rages against traditional American values or meritocracy and still supports Israel, you will be sorely disappointed.

As Dennis Prager recently wrote, if your moral compass is broken in one area, then it is likely broken in all areas. Ironically, those who think it is fair for men who claim they’re women to dominate women’s sports also rally against Israel despite the obvious and deadly consequences of being transgender in Gaza. 

If we don’t want members of Congress demonizing Israel and supporting anti-Israel legislation or college students and influencers on social media celebrating terrorism, we must address the miseducation of America.

Education got us into this mess; only education will get us out. We should start by teaching American values. We should instill the ideas that have made the U.S. the freest and most prosperous society in the world.

This won’t be easy. It will take time, effort, money and the withholding of money. Time and effort from parents to monitor what their children are learning in school. Time and effort from parents to hold schools accountable for what they are teaching. Divestment from schools and universities that promote anti-American values and financial support for educational organizations and new schools that share our values.

We must teach our children to be grateful to live in America, where everyone can pursue life, liberty and happiness. Students should learn to cherish our Judeo-Christian heritage, which is the foundation of our great society. Instead of viewing the world through the leftist “equity” narrative of rich vs. poor, black vs. white and oppressed vs. oppressor, we should encourage students to understand right and wrong and good vs. evil.

If we provide our children with a proper education, grounded in truth, justice, goodness and liberty, then I can assure you that they will grow to love both America and Israel.

The opinions and facts presented in this article are those of the author, and neither JNS nor its partners assume any responsibility for them.