
Church rushes ambulance to Israel in response to Hamas attacks

“We knew there was an urgent need to replace ambulances that were stolen and destroyed. To know ours is part of this historic effort is incredibly gratifying,” said Pastor Larry Huch.

Richard Zelin (left) and Pastor Larry Huch next to a Mobile Intensive Care Unit ambulance sponsored by New Beginnings Church in 2019. Credit: Courtesy.
Richard Zelin (left) and Pastor Larry Huch next to a Mobile Intensive Care Unit ambulance sponsored by New Beginnings Church in 2019. Credit: Courtesy.

New Beginnings Church in Bedford, Texas, has sponsored a new Mobile Intensive Care Unit ambulance, which was airlifted to Israel by Magen David Adom, the country’s emergency medical system, in response to multi-pronged attacks by Hamas.

On Oct. 7 starting early in the morning, Israel faced an unprecedented assault consisting of simultaneous rocket fire and a terrorist incursion over the southern border that resulted in the murders of 1,200, with thousands wounded and as many as 240 people taken hostage and dragged back to the Gaza Strip.

Several of Magen David Adom’s EMTs and paramedics were killed while saving lives and at least 16 rescue vehicles were disabled by Hamas terrorists. When news spread of the attacks, Larry and Tiz Huch, pastors of New Beginnings, immediately pledged their support for Israel.

“We condemn the brutal massacre by Hamas and strongly support Israel’s right and obligation to defend itself from its sworn enemies,” said Pastor Larry Huch.

Although the church had already raised the funds for the MICU—the ninth such vehicle the church has sponsored—the timing of the gift was especially beneficial, given that several vehicles have been destroyed or disabled by Hamas, either by rockets or direct attacks on the ambulances.

The MICU was added to a special airlift that included a total of 14 rescue vehicles and arrived in Israel on Oct. 26. After an accelerated preparation process, it began its work helping save lives.

“The sponsorship of another MICU by Larry and Tiz Huch and their congregation could not have come at a more fortuitous time,” said Richard Zelin, director of strategic philanthropy for American Friends of Magen David Adom, the U.S.-based fundraising affiliate of MDA. “Our EMTs and paramedics are totally focused on saving lives, even as they heal from physical wounds and trauma. The gift of a new MICU to assist in their mission offers both practical help and inspiration to keep going.”

“News of our ninth sponsored MICU ambulance being a part of the emergency airlift project to Israel is absolutely stunning,” said Huch. “We knew there was an urgent need to replace ambulances that were stolen and destroyed. To know ours is part of this historic effort is incredibly gratifying.”

This represents just the latest in a long history of connection between New Beginnings and the people of Israel. The Huches, who have been active in leading churches for 45 years, are dedicated to building bridges between Christians and Jews. As hosts of a popular weekly television broadcast, they educate the public about ways to help Israel.

Since 2017, they have concentrated their efforts on funding MICUs for MDA, choosing them for their special impact on saving lives. Dubbed “hospitals on wheels,” these ambulances are equipped with technology to treat those who suffer traumatic injuries, heart attacks and strokes. 

Said Huch: “I would encourage anyone who loves Israel and the Jewish people to join us in support of Magen David Adom and to give generously, especially now.”

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In the United States, disaster relief, ambulance and blood services are handled by an array of organizations. In Israel, there’s one organization that does it all: Magen David Adom. Although MDA’s role is mandated by the Israeli government, it’s not a government agency. As Israel’s official representative to the International Red Cross, MDA’s role precludes it from accepting governmental support for its general operations. Because of this arrangement, the agency relies on support from donors, including those from the United States, to keep its dispatch systems, training and equipment the best in the world.
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