
When elected to Congress, I’ll always stand with Israel

I will be the loudest voice pushing back against the vile antisemitism expressed far too often by certain members of Congress.

U.S. Capitol in Washington, D.C. Credit: Andrea Izzotti/Shutterstock.
U.S. Capitol in Washington, D.C. Credit: Andrea Izzotti/Shutterstock.
Abe Hamadeh. Credit: Courtesy.
Abe Hamadeh
Abe Hamadeh is a Republican Candidate for Arizona’s 8th Congressional District. Learn more about him by visiting www.abeforaz.com.

Over the years, we have watched as congressional candidates tell their Jewish and pro-Israel constituents and donors one thing to gain their support and then sadly do the opposite once they are elected. Despite their pledges, these congresspeople quickly cave to anti-Israel pressure from donors and lobbying groups.

Let me be clear: As an Arizona congressional candidate, I do not waver in and I will never apologize for my steadfast support for the State of Israel, the IDF and the people of Israel, who deserve to live in peace in their own country and the entire region. This is why The Jerusalem Post recently called me “one of Arizona’s most pro-Israel candidates.”

Over the years, I’ve lost friends and financial support because of my clear and strong support for the Jewish community and the State of Israel. That’s fine by me. I don’t want the support of those who refuse to acknowledge the Jewish people’s right to self-determination in their biblical homeland and will not lock arms with me to combat antisemitism in America.

For me, it’s personal. While in law school, I went on a trip to Israel with many Jewish law students. The experience served to strengthen my support of Israel. My mother is Druze, and during the trip we went to a Druze village and talked to members of the community there who were proud to be Israelis. To my surprise, the Bedouins were also very pro-Israel. I believe there are so many lies told about Israel that people must go there to experience the truth firsthand and see why it is so important to defend the only country in the Middle East that respects and upholds the rights of all people. 

Based on my life experiences and values, I am proud to say that I stand strongly against a nuclear-armed Iran and the BDS movement. If elected, I will be the loudest voice pushing back against the vile antisemitism expressed far too often by certain members of Congress.

I can promise the Jewish community in Arizona’s 8th Congressional District that I will take the offensive against those who spew vile hatred at the Jewish community and Israel.

I will not remain silent as members of Congress falsely accuse Israel of being an apartheid and racist country. My personal experiences have made me a unique voice against this false narrative.

I believe that the Abraham Accords were the single biggest step towards a lasting peace between Middle Eastern Jews and Muslims in my lifetime. I was honored to write an op-ed highlighting the Accords’ successes and I am optimistic that other countries will sign on to more peace agreements. I want to help facilitate that when I am elected to Congress.

Finally, I recognize that antisemitism is at a record high in America right now. It sickens me to say that.

While the Jewish community is only 2% of the overall population in America, it is the target of over 60% of reported hate crimes. Now more than ever, American Jews must know they have support from non-Jews like myself as we work together to combat the world’s oldest hatred. 

As a member of Congress, I will use my platform to speak out against antisemitism and anti-Zionism. I will condemn any group or individual who supports the BDS movement.

When Jews and non-Jews work together to combat antisemitism and the delegitimization of Israel, we send a powerful message to the world that we are united. Let us be united!

The opinions and facts presented in this article are those of the author, and neither JNS nor its partners assume any responsibility for them.