Gaza and ‘the decade after’ We need a long-term vision, not arguments about "the day after" the Israel-Hamas war. Gary Schiff June 30, 2024
Israel’s awakening Amidst war, Israelis are discovering miracles and a new clarity. Gary Schiff May 7, 2024
Victim touring vs. victory touring Trips need to inspire, describing events within the unfolding story of the Jewish return and rebuilding of the nation. Gary Schiff March 13, 2024
Palestinian education must be reformed Israel must insist that an educational system dedicated to manufacturing terrorists be dismantled and rebuilt from scratch. Gary Schiff and Reed Rubinstein Dec. 12, 2023
Knitting Israel back together The extraordinary unity Israel has seen in recent weeks can be sustained. Gary Schiff Nov. 1, 2023
Beitar’s lesson for our time Back then, secular Jews defended religious Jews, not the opposite. Gary Schiff Oct. 3, 2023
Real democracy in Israel requires a bottom-up approach Israeli citizens need to be involved in the decision-making process. Gary Schiff Sept. 27, 2023
Lessons for Israel from the Maui wildfire Supporting local agriculture and careful maintenance of infrastructure are essential. Gary Schiff Aug. 28, 2023
Notice to the IDF: Southern Lebanon is biblical Israel The current Lebanese border is simply based on the Sykes-Pico Agreement between the British and French empires established during World War I. Gary Schiff Aug. 1, 2023