The administration’s betrayal of Israel is almost complete As the great historian Bernard Lewis wrote, "America is harmless as an enemy but treacherous as a friend." Guy Milliere May 13, 2024
Israel betrayed? The Biden administration seems frustrated by Israel's determination to act as a sovereign nation rather than a U.S. vassal. Guy Milliere March 20, 2024
France’s skyrocketing threat If Europeans wish to preserve their culture, they need to start making that outcome unmistakably clear to everyone. Guy Milliere Feb. 22, 2024
Daily jihad in France According to recent surveys, 78% of French people think that Islamism constitutes a mortal threat to France. Guy Milliere Dec. 17, 2023
Who wants to destroy Israel? You might be surprised For the first time in Israel’s short history, a large-scale movement has been launched using undemocratic means to overthrow a democratically elected government. Guy Milliere May 16, 2023