Taking the Lubavitcher Rebbe’s advice to heal Israel’s societal rift Faced with those who breach COVID rules, we must not turn away, but rather build a more responsible Jewish model with greater solidarity. Sivan Rahav-Meir Jan. 31, 2021
Focus on Netanyahu, Gantz missed real point of AIPAC conference Two weeks before Israel’s general elections, in the midst of explosive rhetoric and divisive discourse, the Americans did a zoom out and took a picture of us. The big picture. Sivan Rahav-Meir April 3, 2019
Words from a mother about a loss to the Jewish people “Ori taught us to feel wonder. To feel wonder from the sunrise, from the sunset, from blossoming, from the sun, from the rain, from everything that there is in the world. To see the light in the world.” Sivan Rahav-Meir Feb. 12, 2019
The speech that wasn’t aired live “We were in the biggest catastrophe of our history, and now we’re in the biggest miracle of our history—a democratic Jewish state with stunning achievements in every area.” Sivan Rahav-Meir Feb. 4, 2019
What I learned from following Auschwitz on Facebook There were only 200 Jews in Albania. Why were the Nazis disturbed by the existence of such a tiny Jewish community? Sivan Rahav-Meir Jan. 27, 2019