Iran plays the Eurasian card The new China-Iran agreement prompts as many questions as answers. One thing is clear: China has taken action at a time when the U.S. is winding down its presence in the Middle East. Emil Avdaliani April 12, 2021
The case of Belarus Belarus is the last state on Russia’s western border not to have experienced a popular revolution since the 1990s, but revolutionary fervor is growing there. Emil Avdaliani Sept. 13, 2020
For Moscow, coronavirus is more than just an economic issue As the death rate rises across its far-flung territories, the situation is prompting questions about the nation’s proposed constitutional changes. Emil Avdaliani April 20, 2020
China’s changing role in the Middle East As time goes on, China will find it increasingly difficult to stay above the Mideast fray, leading to increased instability in its relationship with the United States. Emil Avdaliani Nov. 10, 2019
Tehran-Moscow cooperation goes beyond Syria The Syrian theater exemplifies Russo-Iranian cooperation, but there are other theaters in which Moscow and Tehran have cooperated for years. Emil Avdaliani Jan. 27, 2019
Russia after the Ukraine crisis: European, Asian or Eurasian? As competition grows more intense between the United States and China, Moscow must assess which side will do more to help it solve its problems across the former Soviet space. Emil Avdaliani Jan. 13, 2019
Its battle with fate: Russia, geography, a historical cycle To contain this immense geographic sphere, Russian leaders have had to expend enormous financial, military, and political resources. Emil Avdaliani Sept. 21, 2018