Belarus needs peaceful US engagement Facing weeks-long massive public demonstrations, President Alexander Lukashenko of Belarus has appealed to Vladimir Putin for help, but what happens next might be up to Donald Trump. Jiri Valenta Oct. 13, 2020
Putin’s coronavirus crisis is not ‘under control’ The COVID-19 pandemic has caused a health crisis, economic crisis and personal crisis for Russian President Vladimir Putin. The false figures Moscow has released attempt to disguise a devastating situation. Jiri and Leni Valenta April 30, 2020
The Venezuelan mafia state The United States should not treat the burgeoning ties between Venezuela and Iran as secondary to the Persian Gulf crisis. Jiri Valenta Aug. 1, 2019
The historic nature of Miloš Zeman’s speech in Jerusalem Whereas a century ago, Jewish elites viewed Western Europe as a sanctuary for European Jewry, they now feel safer in Eastern Europe. Jiri Valenta Nov. 29, 2018