CAIR ‘exposes’ itself Its Florida branch is attempting to exploit the political climate in the United States and heightened media interest in civil-rights violations to present terror supporters as dedicated activists—punished, ostensibly, merely for being minorities. Martha Lee Aug. 26, 2020
Macron’s counter-Islamist measures are ill-considered While many consider some of his new proposals promising, what the president of France left out is worrisome. Moderate Islam in the West requires reformist voices; not French bureaucracy and deputized lawful Islamists. Martha Lee March 18, 2020
Women’s March fends off Islamist cry-bullies It’s important that the movement has stood up to the hardliners and not backed down; far too often, progressive organizations find it easier to ignore acts of bigotry for the sake of placating vocal Islamist demands. Martha Lee Sept. 27, 2019
American Islamists protest death sentence handed down to not-so-moderate Saudi cleric While American Islamists whitewash Al Odah, the truth is that he is an unreconstructed anti-Semite and extremist. Martha Lee June 24, 2019