There are wolves in my house Many of those we considered close friends and allies, who we have known intimately for years, have materialized into antisemites seemingly overnight. Monica Osborne Dec. 14, 2023
The misuse of the word ‘fascist’ is dangerous “Fascist” and “fascism” have ceased to have any meaning at all. Monica Osborne Nov. 21, 2022
The curse of false choices Americans have an obsession with false choices, and many of the movements in both far-left and far-right circles have taken advantage of it. Monica Osborne June 15, 2022
Will rabbis’ statement spark a moment of reckoning for the Jewish community? In a truly Jewish communal space, all of these voices would be given room to speak, space to breathe. But we know that is less and less the case. Monica Osborne Jan. 16, 2022