Why won’t the government enforce its own laws against campus antisemites? The Justice and Education Departments must finally protect Jewish students’ civil rights. Ron Machol May 20, 2024
Anti-Israel indoctrination in US schools The brainwashing doesn’t start in college. Ron Machol Oct. 30, 2023
Note to social-media companies: Anti-Semitism is hate content Where is the will of online companies to monitor anti-Jewish and anti-Israel posts, as they do other bigoted speech? Ron Machol June 19, 2020
Rockets and booby-trapped balloons in the name of peace? Terrorist groups have become savvier, and now use “human rights” fronts to openly recruit and raise funds on U.S. college campuses. Ron Machol Jan. 1, 2020
We urgently need state laws against anti-Semitism The more tools states and universities have available, the more able we will all be to study, work and live in environments free of discrimination and intimidation. Ron Machol Sept. 12, 2019