David Duke’s BFF is an anti-Semitic student group at Harvard How has Harvard’s Palestine Solidarity Committee gotten a free pass from the university for making a common cause with one of the country’s most well-known racist bigots? Ryan Fournier Aug. 13, 2020
College Democrats at Georgetown align with J Street The Democratic National Convention must reject the Georgetown College Democrats’ call to align with the J Street platform, and stand up for the essential relationship between the United States and Israel. Ryan Fournier April 26, 2020
J Street claims to be pro-Israel, but conceals BDS ties False advocates like J Street must be rejected in favor of groups that fight for the values and policies that truly benefit our community. Ryan Fournier March 15, 2020
Harvard’s new Jewish anti-Israel group How can one of the nation’s top schools continue to support an organization using its platform to segregate the Jewish student population and the greater Jewish community? Ryan Fournier Feb. 20, 2020
Indiana University struggles to deal with anti-Semitism The attack on a group of Jewish students at the university was not an isolated incident; the anti-Semitic culture on this campus was festering long before the assault. Ryan Fournier Jan. 7, 2020
Since when is hatred for Israel a progressive value? Following the rise of the Democratic Party’s progressive wing, professional anti-Israel activists have launched a strategy to infiltrate and co-opt the liberal movement. Ryan Fournier Dec. 12, 2019