
Former Al-Qaeda bride: ‘There is no hope for peace after Oct. 7’

“The Quad,” Ep. 24

Members of “The Quad” thought last Saturday night “might be the eve of the apocalypse,” referring to the barrage of more than 300 missiles and drones on the night of April 13-14, launched by Iran. They talked about how unbelievable the attack was—less than two weeks before the Jewish holiday of Passover—and spoke of where they were and how they felt watching the sky light up in the worst way.

And they didn’t feel good.

Then they speak with Canadian Yasmine Mohammed, a prominent human-rights activist who grew up in Vancouver. Her father was born in Gaza and her mother was from Cairo; they eventually divorced, and her mother married an operative with Al-Qaeda. Their activities became suddenly restricted as they were steeped into the world of Islamism. Yasmine eventually broke away from that lifestyle and talked about her experiences.

Listen to their stories. And, of course, learn the Scumbags and Heroes of the Week! 

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