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How the silent majority fought the anti-Israel storm at Eurovision

“The Quad,” Ep. 26

Israeli superstar Eden Golan’s fifth-place overall finish at the Eurovision Song Contest last week (second in the popular vote) highlighted a discrepancy between self-proclaimed “professional” judges and the silent majority regarding the Jewish state.

Similarly, despite there being noisy and disruptive pro-Hamas encampments and protests across U.S. college campuses, polls show that the overwhelming majority of Americans remain supportive of Israel and most students care very little about the war in Gaza.

Does the pro-Hamas mob matter? What can Israel do to reach influencers? What can Jerusalem do, as was the case with Golan, to get the silent majority to advocate on behalf of the Jewish state?

“The Quad” (Emily Schrader, Fleur Hassan-Nahoum, Vivian Bercovici and Ashira Solomon) interviews brand specialist and strategist behind “Operation Hurricane” Joanna Landau about how to reach the next generation and what Israel must do to win the public relations battle.

And, of course, learn the Scumbags and Heroes of the Week!

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