Mansour Abbas’s condemnation of terror: Is it real? Are the Ra'am Party leader's statements a reflection of a moderate and courageous line being taken by the party and the Islamic Movement, or a mere propaganda exercise? Jonathan D. Halevi April 6, 2022
Israel’s Islamic party (Ra’am): Pragmatism and Islamism according to Mansour Abbas While some in Israel want to believe Ra'am joining the coalition is indication of a profound change, a careful examination of his statements shows that the pragmatism of party leader Abbas is solely tactical, and that his ultimate goal remains that of the Islamic Movement: the destruction of Israel. Jonathan D. Halevi Feb. 8, 2022
‘Great Return March’ incorporates Hamas warfare tactics The violent activities that occurred within the framework of the protests include shooting attacks, explosive charges, firebombs, catapults, burning tires, ignited kites and sabotaging the border fence. Jonathan D. Halevi May 1, 2018