The problem isn’t university presidents, it’s DEI The diversity, equity and inclusion agenda endangers Jews and corrupts academia. Rebecca Sugar Dec. 14, 2023
Dave Chappelle was more than just funny, he was right Offering absolution in exchange for checks made out to organizations that “fight hate” is worth laughing at. Rebecca Sugar Nov. 15, 2022
Why I wouldn’t sign the petition to cancel Kanye Cancel culture never stops at “legitimate” targets and often overlooks inconvenient ones. Rebecca Sugar Oct. 30, 2022
A lost tribe and a lost holiday “This Hanukkah will be very special,” says Hanan Singsit, “because we will celebrate it where the Maccabees prevailed. Their victory is now our victory, too.” Rebecca Sugar Nov. 26, 2021
Another year, another political lecture from the pulpit? Rabbis in the midst of preparing social-action sermons might want to reconsider their topics. Rebecca Sugar Aug. 27, 2021
The Frisch moment Difficult as it may be, teachers are expected to say “no” to an improper request and to help students understand why using a school forum for their own political agenda is, in fact, improper. Rebecca Sugar June 17, 2021
Sephardic envy at Passover time More than culinary delicacies and close-knit families, I see in these communities something that I used to take for granted in Ashkenazi American Jewish life just a few decades ago: unapologetic pride in Israel. Rebecca Sugar March 30, 2021
Black-Jewish dialogue in American needs a reset If we want our communities to truly partner again, we have to remember what made us partners in the first place—not guilt, not resentment, not the color of our skin and not even oppression. Rebecca Sugar Jan. 20, 2021
After the BDS fight … Have we made a case to Jews and pro-Israel allies on campus as to why they should support Israel once the attacks against the Jewish state become fewer and less impactful? Rebecca Sugar Dec. 18, 2020