Netanyahu’s brilliant victory and the battles yet to come In addition to the nightmare of satisfying conflicting ministerial demands, the prime minister now faces enormous external challenges. Isi Leibler April 21, 2019
Lessons from the Polish imbroglio We must neither forget nor forgive those who betrayed us. But politicians should never generalize. The details should be left for historians to compile and for our children to learn Isi Leibler Feb. 28, 2019
American Jewish leaders: Time to stand up for Israel American Jews are at a turning point. They should unite to oppose the rapid radicalization of the Democratic Party before it’s too late. Isi Leibler Feb. 1, 2019
Attention, Israelis in power: Stop treating us like morons! We must demand more than just feeble rationalizations of a truce. We need to restore our power of deterrence, as it used to be our principal strength but now appears to have lapsed. Isi Leibler Dec. 2, 2018
Trump, Nazis, anti-Semitism and US Jewry The most obscene aspect of anti-Trump mudslinging is the concerted attempt to portray him as an anti-Semite. This lie, frequently reiterated by progressive rabbis and Jewish lay leaders, has become embedded in the minds of many Democratic supporters. Isi Leibler Nov. 18, 2018
A call to American Jewish leaders In the past, mainstream Jewish organizations strove to be nonpartisan. But no longer, with the majority of the non-Orthodox strongly opposed to their president. Isi Leibler Oct. 23, 2018
The devastating impact of non-Jewish Jews American Jews and their leaders, except for the Orthodox, have distanced themselves from their Jewish identity. Isi Leibler Oct. 11, 2018
The perils facing Anglo Jewry Anglo Jewry is confronting painful challenges. The fact that “Zionist” youth can publicly express such hostility towards Israel reflects a serious breakdown in education. Isi Leibler July 18, 2018