‘Nakba Day’ simply infantilizes Arab aggression Shedding some light on Palestinian and Arab rejectionism and myth in honor of “Nakba Day.” Krygier Daniel May 15, 2019
Israeli victories on earth and in the heavens The “Beresheet” project proves that as far as Israel is concerned, the sky is not the limit. Krygier Daniel April 17, 2019
Israel must embrace victory, not appeasement On Israeli election day, it is important that the politicians remember: The mandate of an elected Israeli prime minister is to secure a prosperous future for Israel. Krygier Daniel April 9, 2019
Israel’s borders shouldn’t be different than any others No country has ever given up strategically essential territory it gained in a legitimate defensive war against an enemy bent on its destruction. Krygier Daniel April 4, 2019
Golan Heights’ recognition advances peace in the region While most of the international community predictably rejects the move, it is the only realistic path towards a genuine long-term Arab-Israeli peace settlement. Krygier Daniel March 27, 2019
In the West, a rising tide against Jewish nationhood When it comes to Israel and Jews, much of the West has regressed since November 1947 when Western democracies overwhelmingly voted in favor of welcoming the first Jewish state in 2000 years. Krygier Daniel Dec. 3, 2018
Europe loves its dead Jews, while demonizing the living ones in Israel Established politicians have unsuccessfully tried to cover up one of Western Europe’s worst kept secrets for years—namely, that the leftist-Islamist alliance, and not fringe neo-Nazis, are responsible for the majority of anti-Semitic attacks in Europe, which have been conveniently mislabeled as “Israel criticism.” Krygier Daniel Nov. 15, 2018
Israel’s ‘Auschwitz borders’ As long as Ramallah and Gaza prioritize Israel’s destruction over the well-being of their populations, the two-state plan will remain an unattainable pipe dream. Krygier Daniel Nov. 6, 2018
Is Trump good for the Jews? Liberal American Jews are free to disagree with U.S. President Donald Trump. Yet they owe him a measure of respect for his support for Israel and cracking down on its enemies. Krygier Daniel Nov. 1, 2018