
The revolution in Iran will succeed. The question is when.

The Caroline Glick Show with guest Mehrdad Youssefiani, Ep. 39

The massacre of seven Jews outside their synagogue in the Neve Ya’akov neighborhood of Jerusalem Friday night by a Palestinian terrorist didn’t only happen on the eve of the Sabbath. Friday was also International Holocaust Remembrance Day.

In her opening remarks in this week’s Caroline Glick Show, Caroline discussed the connection between the demonization of the Jews in Germany and Europe from the mid-19th century through the rise of the Nazis, and their physical annihilation. The Jerusalem Arabs who committed Friday’s attack, like the one who shot two Jews in Ir David on Saturday morning, were the products of their society.

Like German society in the 1930s, Palestinian society is organized around the demonization and dehumanization of Jews. The PLO is an organization and a regime with one policy—the demonization of Jews and the delegitimization of their state. The gunmen who murder Jews are the direct product of their societies and cultures.

And whereas the Nazis and their antisemitism are easily condemned by the world community, the Palestinians and their society of demonization and hatred are embraced, supported, armed and financed by the United States, the European Union and other leading members of the community of nations. Nearly the entire apparatus of the United Nations is geared towards demonizing and delegitimizing the Jewish state and its citizens. Never again? How about now?

Caroline’s guest this week was Mehrdad Youssefiani. Youssefiani is an Iranian freedom activist and a longtime counselor to Prince Reza Pahlevi, the son of the late Shah of Iran and one of the most outspoken advocates for regime change in Iran. Youssefiani, who is visiting Israel this week, came to the JNS studio in Jerusalem to discuss the weekend explosions in Iran and their impact on the now five-month-old revolution in the streets of Iran.

Youssefiani excoriated the U.S. and European media for ignoring and distorting the reality of the revolution, noting that “this is the first feminist revolution in human history,” but the media doesn’t care. Youssefiani discussed what needs to be done to build a different regime in Iran and what the U.S., Europe and other international actors can do to facilitate the downfall of the terrorist regime in Tehran. Among his many critical messages, Youssefiani bitterly implored the leaders of the free world that if they don’t intend to help the revolutionaries, the least they could do is stop supporting and empowering the Khomeinist regime in Tehran. This includes finally ending their nuclear diplomacy with the ayatollahs.

Youssefiani also explored the 3,000-year friendship between the Persian and Jewish people and the longstanding influence of Cyrus the Great on the people of Iran and their approach to the Jewish people and to Israel.
