
Jews in a world gone mad

Why are progressive Jews aiding in the collapse of our civilization and its values?

A protest against Focus on the Family's "Stand for the Family" event at the Xcel Energy Center, planned by OutFront Minnesota. Credit: Tony Webster/Wikimedia Commons.
A protest against Focus on the Family's "Stand for the Family" event at the Xcel Energy Center, planned by OutFront Minnesota. Credit: Tony Webster/Wikimedia Commons.
Bob Zeidman
Bob Zeidman is the creator of the field of software forensics and founder of several successful high-tech Silicon Valley firms.

I get depressed a lot these days due to the rapid deterioration of our culture. I see parallels to ancient Rome, which was the most powerful and civilized regime in the world during its heyday, but political corruption, financial mismanagement and moral decay destroyed it.

Yet while ancient Rome was collapsing, Jewish culture resisted that decay and survived. Their moral strength allowed the Jews to endure for the next two millennia and eventually flourish in the forms of the modern State of Israel and the Jewish values that have so influenced our world.

Yet as the modern world goes astray, American principles are discarded one by one and society’s morals focus on individual rights without responsibilities, it seems that modern Jews are not pushing back against these changes but leading the way towards destruction.

When Roe v. Wade was overturned, Jewish groups came out in force to protest. They falsely claimed, as I wrote in a previous article, that abortion is allowed under Jewish law in almost all circumstances. A few years ago, the San Francisco Jewish Community Relations Council even put on a “Celebration of Abortion.”

The other major cause for Jewish groups is LGBTQ+ rights. I have no issue with a man who loves a man or a woman who loves a woman. We can argue about whether the Torah forbids, tolerates or accepts this behavior. There is no question, however, that sexual promiscuity is forbidden under Jewish law, and most of the letters following “L” and “G” are about casual sex without commitment. Moreover, men can call themselves women and women can call themselves men, but it doesn’t make it so according to Jewish law, science or reason.

Fortunately, I can say all this without being arrested because I’ve moved from California to Nevada, where we still honor the principle of free speech. That principle is under attack in California and may soon be eroded nationwide by an executive order from President Joe Biden. Yet Jewish groups demand the prohibition of “hate speech,” ignoring the history of Jews being censored for practicing their “illegal” religion.

My synagogue is where I go to escape the madness, but even there it creeps in. Last week, I was particularly disturbed at our Yom HaShoah ceremony. Among the prayers and poems that were read was a “prayer” in a booklet issued by Jewish Nevada and the Board of Rabbis of Southern Nevada titled “The LGBTQ Genocide … A call to action!”

“We pause for a moment to remember that in the Shoah, the Nazis killed, tortured, imprisoned and experimented on well over 100,000 gay, lesbian, gender variant and disabled people,” it read. “There are no known survivors from this group to tell the horrors of what was done to them. We therefore must continue to report this, remember this, pray on this and act on this when we see signs of it happening again. Just saying ‘Never again’ is not enough. With over 400 anti-LGBTQ laws being proposed in the USA this year alone, our community remains in danger in the USA as well as throughout the world. Now is the time for action.”

Let me share some historical facts: First, there were no “gender variants” in the 1930s or ’40s. There were men and there were women just as there are today. Second, there were no transsexual people because there were no surgeries or hormone procedures. The murder of homosexuals and disabled people by the Nazis was a horrible tragedy, no doubt, as was the Nazis’ slaughter of innumerable other groups—racial, political and religious—along with millions of Allied soldiers. Yet none of these victims were singled out at the service.

Second, I have not read every law in our country that prohibits the distribution of pornography and the sexualization of children in our schools, but I’m fairly certain that none of them demand that LGBTQ+ people be rounded up, shipped to death camps and murdered. Nothing in these laws comes close to anything that could be considered genocide by any rational person. The statement that the United States is on the verge of a genocide of LGBTQ+ people is about as inflammatory as can be imagined and an insult to the actual victims of the Holocaust, some of whom were in the audience to share their experiences so that we never forget.

The Anti-Defamation League used to consider any comparison of contemporary phenomena to the Holocaust to be blatant antisemitism. Now, the ADL, like most other Jewish groups, has joined in promoting such comparisons. It even condemns Jews and Jewish groups that veer from what I call the “new Torah”—the ever-fluctuating victimhood ideologies of progressives.

Moreover, these progressives, such as most LGBTQ+ groups, Black Lives Matter, CAIR and other ethnic, racial, religious and sexual identity organizations, almost without exception forcefully express the desire for the destruction of the State of Israel and consider Jews to be privileged oppressors.

Progressive Jews who do support Israel—and there are a number of them—often complain that they can’t understand why their non-Jewish comrades are so anti-Israel. But it shouldn’t be perplexing: Progressive values are contrary to Jewish law and tradition. If these progressive Jews understood Jewish values and applied them, they would understand that being anti-Jewish is not a strange side effect of progressivism, but a predictable result.

Yet progressive Jews will support every progressive cause and attack every “privileged group” until, in the end, their own progressive colleagues turn on them and there is no one left to defend them.

If we don’t teach Jewish values, then we risk repeating the destruction of our civilization and its values. And this time, I fear, there will be Jews who happily go along with it.

Bob Zeidman is the creator of the field of software forensics and the founder of several successful high-tech Silicon Valley firms.

The opinions and facts presented in this article are those of the author, and neither JNS nor its partners assume any responsibility for them.