
New Year’s hope for the future

May we have the wisdom to distinguish between good and evil.

A typical New Year's Eve celebration in Times Square, New York. Credit: Anthony Quintano via Wikimedia Commons.
A typical New Year's Eve celebration in Times Square, New York. Credit: Anthony Quintano via Wikimedia Commons.
Shmuel Katz. Credit Courtesy.
Shmuel Katz
Dr. Shmuel Katz is a fellow of the Israeli Surgical Society, the American College of Surgeons and other medical societies.

Heartiest wishes for a happy, healthy, prosperous and peaceful New Year.

May we have wise, responsible and altruistic leaders in local and national government.

May we have an education system that will educate and not indoctrinate our children.

May we be able to educate the oblivious to distinguish between raw and objective information and malicious propaganda.

May we be able to be more involved and pay more attention to the education of our children.

May we be able to designate enough time to educate ourselves properly, to become wiser members of society.

May we judge people by the content of their character and by their objective performance.

May we not discriminate against people based on the color of their skin or any Diversity, Equity and Inclusion criteria.

May the best persons get the appropriate credit, recognition and advancement in their fields.

May we be able to help those who need more assistance.

May we appreciate people for what they are and not their religious convictions or political affiliations.

May we be able to solidify a warm and supportive family structure.

May we have a responsible judiciary system that will treat everyone equally under the law.

May we secure our borders to prevent drugs, terrorists and other criminals from harming us.

May we respect and appreciate our honorable military, which is protecting us from bad operatives.

May we continue to support our injured veterans in a dignified manner, even after the completion of their service.

May we appreciate our heritage and become familiar with our remote and recent history.

May we have the wisdom to distinguish between good and evil.

May we be united against our enemies.

May people realize that supporting evil financially and politically will not convert them into angels, but will make them stronger and more determined bad operatives.

May people realize that should evil prevail, all good people will become victims of evil.

May we understand that deception and misinformation are commonly used by bad operatives.

May we dedicate time and effort to learn and understand all sides of the argument, related also to current events, and weed out deception and misinformation.

May we make a special effort to expose, marginalize and defeat evil.

May we understand that currently there is no way to box people into clear groups of oppressors and oppressed individuals.

May we be able to judge people individually, based upon the merit of their actions.

May we understand that talk may be cheap, but the actual actions will most probably make the real difference.

May we understand that males and females are valuable members of our society that greatly contribute to the community in ways related to their strengths and weaknesses.

May we invest today for a better future tomorrow.

May tomorrow be better than yesterday.

May we learn also from the experience of others to prevent repeating preventable mistakes.

May we learn from the experience of our sages to understand historical perspectives.

May we take care of our health.

May we respect our worthy peers.

May we understand the nuances in the meanings of words in different cultures.

May we pay attention to the different mentalities in Western societies and Middle Eastern cultures and act wisely accordingly.

May we be able to judge situations in their correct context.

May we be able to call out lies without fear or favor.

May we be able to expose unjust demonization and take the appropriate corrective actions.

May we be able to recognize and condemn double standards.

May we be able to prevent dehumanization and cherish human life.

May we be able to recognize mistakes early on and figure out better ways to go forward.

May we understand that advertising by itself is not necessarily providing us with the best information.

May we be able to rely upon our knowledge, wisdom and experience, with the eventual appropriate assistance from wise and responsible advisors.

May we merit to see the realization of a better future for all good people across the globe, speedily in our time.

Originally published by Israel National News.

The opinions and facts presented in this article are those of the author, and neither JNS nor its partners assume any responsibility for them.